When I asked to make Dave’s portrait, we chatted briefly about his life. He was interested in mine, as well. He’s knowledgeable about music, photography, social media, design and other subjects. And has his own SEO business. He mentions decisions he has made inspired by visions that he’s had about his life, which seems characterized by deep religious faith, even preaching on the street at times. He is working for a virtual luxury room service company in SF now, but says that he has had success as a musician, writing music and playing guitar, offering up a line from a song of his, “tears in the rain, conceal the pain.”
Terry is pictured with his two dogs, Pickles and Pepe, along Geary Blvd. in the Tenderloin. He rescued Pepe from a very abusive situation in the neighborhood. His encounter with the owner was, shall we say, very unpleasant for the former owner, but Pepe was saved. He cowered in a corner of Steve’s apartment for several days, but one day he jumped on Terry’s chest where Pickles was laying, and the bond was formed. Terry’s in a wheel chair now because of a bad hip. His doctor says that Terry must drop from about 320 pounds to 250 before he can have surgery. He is optimistic that he can do it, “When I put my mind to something, it gets done.”
While walking on San Pablo Ave. in Oakland, I noticed Lee’s colorful shirt and asked to make his portrait. His daughter gave it to him and he says that he has seven grandchildren. Lee has been without housing for about 8 years, but is very happy to have transitional housing now in West Oakland, while waiting for a permanent place. He was an optical engineer. He also raced motorcycles as a young man, which (like every other cyclist I’ve known) resulted in blowing out his knee. He has a heart condition, but is very pleased with the care that he receives at Highland Hospital. He’s a man of prayer, thanking God each morning and night for each day and says, “you don’t have to go to church to be in church.”